
狗糧推介 | 狗糧牌子



乾糧分為有穀物和無穀物乾糧。有穀物乾糧是傳統的乾糧,成份包括了米 /糙米、大麥、粟米、燕麥等五穀成份。小麥含有麩質,已很少採用(對麩質敏感的狗隻可能會進食麩質後有慢性小腸發炎,但其實並不常見)。





那你的狗狗適合無穀物還是有穀物的乾糧呢?如果你是吃有穀物的, 狗狗身體健康,不一定要轉無穀物。但如果你想增加狗狗的食慾(無穀物糧比較香口)和肌肉發展,或你的狗狗的確對穀物敏感,你可以嘗試無穀物狗糧。若你的狗狗吃無穀物乾糧,但發現狗狗消化不良,有軟便,放屁和便臭的話,也可以試試有穀物糧。有些狗狗其實對肉類敏感,反而食一些低肉類,低蛋白質成分的糧會更好。





那隻狗糧牌子最好?這個也是我們最常聽到的問題。曾幾何時,美國的 WDJ (Whole Dog Journal) 每年都會列出十大狗糧,消費者固然對名單感興趣,銷售的店舖亦以十大狗糧為賣點。但這幾年,WDJ 的推薦名單已經有40多隻狗糧牌子,成分一般的牌子也可以上榜,反而一些成份好的,但沒有公開生產設施的品牌,卻會落榜。如果要在40多個品牌中選擇合適的狗糧,亦不容易,所以這個最佳狗糧名單意義已經不大了。

Wise Pet 售賣的都是高品質的天然糧,成份都是好的,但是每隻狗狗也是一個個體,有不同的體質,所以不會說某一隻牌子的某一款味道對任何狗狗都會是最好的。所以,我們建議大家可以多作嘗試,隔一兩個月轉換一下口味,不但對狗狗來說更有新鮮感,亦可以給他們來自不同肉類的營養,減少因長期食用同一種肉類而產生的食物過敏症。

乾狗糧方面,我們推薦以下品牌:Canagan, Merrick, Organix, Pristine, Wellness。

狗罐頭方面,我們推薦:Merrick, Organix, Wellness, Ziwipeak


Dog Food Recommendation


Which dog food is good? How do I choose a dog food?

Many people have the same questions, what is the best dog food? Which dog food is suitable for my dogs?

Dog food can be divided into 3 categories: dry food, wet food (canned food), and raw food.

Dry dog food is further divided into grain free dog food and dog food with grains. Dog food with grains are the traditional dog food, they contain rice / brown rice, barley, corn, oat, etc.  Since wheat is rich in gluten, they are seldom used in dog food (some dogs may be intolerant to gluten and gluten consumption leads to celiac disease, but it is not very common in dogs). 

Dog food with grains have higher carbohydrate content.  Some cheap dog food may use grains as the main ingredients and contain a low percentage of meat.  Dogs are omnivores and can digest carbohydrates and well-cooked grains. However, if the meat content in dog food is too low, it may affect muscle development and skin and coat health.

Dog food from reputable brands have proper level of protein, fat, and carbohydrate.  They provide balanced nutrients for regular dogs, so it is not really necessary to choose the grain free recipes.

Grain free dog food gains popularity in recent years because advocates of grain free dog food suggest that the ancestors of dogs in the wild ate a meat-based diet, they did not consume a large amount of carbohydrates and grains, and they try to mimic the ancestral diet of dogs.  However, the production of dry food requires carbohydrates as binding agents. If grains are removed from the recipes, they have to be replaced by some other crops that are rich in carbohydrates (such as potato, sweet potato and tapioca). Therefore, even grain free dog foods contain a considerate amount of carbohydrates.

Do grain free dog foods always have a higher protein and meat content than dog food with grains? For the brands sold in Wise Pet, this seems to be true. However, it may not be true for other brands sold on the market.  Some grain free dog foods have similar meat and protein content as the recipes with grains.  The only difference is the grains are replaced by potatoes and sweet potatoes. It does not necessarily mean that the manufacturers have added more meat to the recipe.  It is better to read the product label and check if meat is the first ingredient and check the protein percentage as well.  Nevertheless, protein can come from animal source (meat) or plant source (legumes). Unless the manufacturer has disclosed the ratio, it is hard for the consumer to tell the ratio of protein from animal source vs plant source.

Should your dog eat a grain free diet or dog food with grains? If it is eating a dog food with grains and is healthy, it is not necessary to change to grain free diet.  However, if you want to improve your dog's appetite (grain free dog food usually tastes better) and better muscle development, or you know that your dog is allergic or intolerant to grains, you can try the grain free recipes.

If your dog is eating a grain free dog food but shows signs of indigestion such as soft stool, farting, stinky stool, you can also try the regular dog food with grains.  Surprisingly, some dogs actually do better on a low meat, low protein diet.  The most common allergens for dogs are not grains but meat and dairy products. 

If your dog has food allergies or food intolerance, you can try dog food made with novel protein and/or simple ingredients. But the most effective hypoallergenic dog food is made with hydrolysed protein. Hydrolysis a technology to break down large protein molecules into miniscule molecules, thus the immune system will no longer recognise the protein molecules as foreign particles and start attacking them. Therefore, it will not induce allergic reaction. There are few manufacturers who possess this technology on the market, therefore, most hydrolysed protein diets are prescription diets.

So when do you need to feed wet food / canned food? If your dog is a picky eater, does not like dry food that much, or is underweight, or if you want to add more nutrients to the diet, canned dog food is a good choice.  Many dog owners feed chicken meat, salmon meat to their dogs, they are ok when fed sparingly. These meats are nutritious and tasty, but they don’t have proper calcium : phosphorus ration.  In comparison, canned dog food comes in a wide variety, chicken, duck, beef, lamb, fish, seafood, etc.  They are convenient, have proper Ca:P ratio and are complete and balanced with added vitamins and minerals.  Canned foods are more easily digestible than dry foods. Of course, you need to choose canned foods of good quality, preferably those made with natural and human grade ingredients.  Poor quality canned dog food uses animal grade ingredients (not suitable for human consumption), artificial color and flavors to make the meat color more uniform with stronger aroma.  Those canned foods should be avoided.

As for raw food or homemade food, they are not as popular because of their price.  Our previous article has explained the types of raw food and you can read it here:


Which brand of dog food is the best?  This is also one common question we receive.  Unfortunately, there is no standard answer to this question.  Wise Pet sells only high-quality natural dog food made with premium ingredients.  However, each dog is a different individual with different constitution.  There is no single brand and/or single formula that will be the best for all individuals.  We suggest you can try different brands and/or different formulas.  Not only your dog will get more varieties and the food will be less boring, the food variety will also provide more diverse nutrients to your dogs and reduce the chance of developing food allergies due to eating the same kind of protein over and over again.